Elementor #7493
Role of Rule of Law – Balala
Islam and the Rule of Law
Abstract This chapter examines the place of the rule of law in Islam. It is thought that the Rule of law was discovered by Aristotle and developed as a western concept. Nonetheless, Islamic societies enjoyed the functioning of the Rule of law and the benefits arising therefrom right from the time of Prophet Mohammed even […]
Islam and Women’s Rights
Islam and Women’s Rights
Re-Examining Riba, Dayn and Bay’ in Light of the Textual Provisions: Concepts and Interpretation
Re-Examining Riba, Dayn and Bay’ in Light of the Textual Provisions: Concepts and Interpretation
Islam, Irtad, and the Right to Life
Islam, Irtad, and the Right to Life
The Role of Interpretation in Islamic Law and the Common Law
The Role of Interpretation in Islamic Law and the Common Law
Islamic Finance and Banking ala M-Pesa
Islamic Finance and Banking ala M-Pesa